Four Lawton Public Schools (LPS) sites were recognized by nonprofit for their Promising Practices, a designation awarded to only 199 schools worldwide this year. LPS was the only Oklahoma district that received honors for Promising Practices. 

"We are extremely proud to recognize the schools and organizations that have developed and implemented a Promising Practice” said Dr. Arthur Schwartz, president of “Each of these programs and initiatives have demonstrated significant impact and strongly align with the principles that help schools and organizations cultivate a culture of character.” is a leading advocate for cultivating the importance of character. Promising Practices are initiatives that demonstrate significant impact that help schools and organizations build strong character and include peer mentoring, service-learning, and character-affirming approaches to conflict resolution.

The Life Ready Center received two recognitions, one for their practice“Cultivating Kindness” and another for the culmination of all of “The Life Ready Center” practices.

Eisenhower High School’s expansion of their IKE Ignition mentorship program, “Better Together,” earned the Eagles their recognition from

The Central Middle School student mentorship program “Central Middle School Reading Buddies” was honored, as well as Sullivan Village Elementary’s comprehensive character initiative, “Links to Character.”

“Receiving a Promising Practice in Character Education from is an exceptional accomplishment for the four schools,” LPS Executive Director of Finance Laura Puccino said. “To receive this accomplishment the school must demonstrate how their practice is unique and aligns to the development of character and a positive school culture.”

The practice must align with one or more of the 11 Principles of Puccino said that “ is an international organization which makes these accomplishments even more prestigious.” The process is the beginning of becoming a designated State and National School of Character.

“These principles focus on building community and positive relationships with all school stakeholders in order to ensure students achieve success in all areas of their lives,” she said. “These principles support the academic, social, and emotional growth of students. To be truly successful, students need positive support systems and a caring school community.”

“Lawton Public Schools is committed to providing students with all the tools they need to reach their goals. It is an honor to these schools for their hard work and determination.”

Learn more about the Promising Practices program by visiting